About us

We work driven with the desire to professionally and jointly contribute to the improvement of working and living conditions, increase savings in terms of reducing energy costs, contribute to the safe and harmless provision of energy needs, all in the function of the Energy Turn as a global milestone.

Our experts worked within various projects, contributing to local communities, which created a grat link with local athorities all over country.

Our vision and mission

The association brings together a team of people (Think Tank/expert Hub), who are prominent activists in Earth protection, designers, professors at the various faculties, consultants and experts from the SEE region. We work driven with the desire to professionally and jointly contribute to the improvement of working and living conditions, increase savings in terms of reducing energy costs, contribute to the safe and harmless provision of energy needs, all in the function of the Energy Turn as a global milestone.

Our Services


Energy consultancy

Many years of experience in the fields of energy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, environment, climate change but also in the field of legislation, finance and energy management.

Energy efficiency and RES

Globally, there is a general push towards renewables.

Climate change mitigation and adaptation

All over the world, cities face enhanced flood-risks due to storm-surge and more frequent and heavy rainfalls.

Latest News

Održana završna edukacija u Četvrtoj gimnaziji na Ilidži

Održana završna edukacija u Četvrtoj gimnaziji na Ilidži

Dana 03.10.2024. godine, uspješno smo realizovali posljednju edukaciju u okviru našeg projekta Urban ATOM – Adaptation of Teen world in Open urban Mobility, kojeg sufinansira Fond za zaštitu okoliša FBiH. Ukupna vrijednost projekta je 25.800,00 KM, gdje udio Fonda za...

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Održana edukacija u Srednjoj elektrotehničkoj školi Sarajevo

Održana edukacija u Srednjoj elektrotehničkoj školi Sarajevo

U sklopu projekta Urban ATOM – Adaptation of Teen world in Open urban Mobility, koji sufinansira Fond za zaštitu okoliša FBiH, jučer smo posjetili Srednju elektrotehničku školu Sarajevo, gdje smo uspješno održali edukaciju o energijskoj efikasnosti i održivoj gradskoj...

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Previous engagements of our experts: